Having been a subscriber to the Horticulturist for the past two years, and never having seen any thing in it relative to this section of the country, it occurred to me to drop you a line relative to it; also to make some inquiries.
This is in about the same latitude as Richmond, Va. Formerly it was a densely timbered country for twenty-five miles around; but now an opening here and there caused by the sturdy strokes of the chopper, which relieves you from the monotonous view of an ocean of timber or tree-tops. This particular section appears to be a continuation of the Ozark range of Missouri, extending from the Mississippi to the Ohio River.
Here one accustomed to the scenery of New England, the majestic trees, the precipitous rooks, with all of the grand beauty which nature has bestowed upon that country - except the broad rivers and purling streams - for we depend mainly upon rain-water - such a one feels that he is at home again. It would be impossible for me to describe the country commonly called Egypt.
You have an idea, perhaps, from its name, that it is a low, rich country. There are places which are low; but then from these places it rises, table above table, until you get to an elevation, not a mile distant, of over four hundred feet. These points are frequent From such a one I am now writing. The blue hills of unfortunate Missouri, the smoke of her steamers as they pass up and down the Mississippi, are distinctly discernible, although twenty-five to forty miles distant. To the southeast are the smoky hills of Kentucky, just perceptible to the naked eye.
The soil is a reddish clay, with a mixture of sand. It is the same to any depth which any one has penetrated. On this elevation there are some twenty-five acres of fine tillable soil, and around almost the entire extent are precipitous sandstone rocks. The soil is free from floating rocks; consequently easy of cultivation. The same soil you will find throughout this section.
The adaptation of this country to the growth of fruit trees and fruits of all kinds is not surpassed by the marvelous stories of California, excepting, perhaps, the grape. I saw in the spring a peach tree in bloom, which grew from the seed the year previous. Also an apple tree, or scion, in bloom the first year after it was inserted in a seedling of one year's growth.
Here are standard apple trees; perhaps of a dozen varieties of fruit, which were brought from Rochester, and planted four years since, fruited last year, and are now bearing large and finely developed apples, and will measure twelve feet across the top. These things and sights are new to me.
I have an early Crawford peach tree planted three years; it bore me this year over a basket, or half a bushel, of beautiful, high-colored fruit. The tree is large enough to have borne a bushel and a half. Its trunk measures six inches in diameter.
Pears grow to perfection. Apricots, quinces, and, in fact, nearly every variety of fruit does well, and more than well. The apples are so large here, that there has been quite a dispute about varieties, owing to that fact of size.
The grape, as yet, has proved a failure, excepting a few sorts.
The Delaware rots in some localities; the Concord has not rotted, as far as I can learn. There are some here - large, beautiful clusters - perfectly healthy, and just patting on the color fully. These other sorts which are free - I can not tell them until they ripen more fully.
The strawberry is a prolific bearer in this region.
I fear I have tired your patience, and now to my questions.
[We are obliged to you for your interesting description of the "land of Egypt." We are willing to believe it a marvellous country for some kinds of fruits. We have received specimens of well-known apples, but so altered in axe as to be scarcely recognizable. That grapes will grow there we have no doubt, but all kinds not equally well. The time will come when grapes will be divided into kinds for localities and kinds for general cultivation. We are surprised to bear that the Delaware rots. This is the first intimation of the kind that we have heard of. Will you please assure yourself further on this point, and let us know the result 1 We are by no means tired; but as we have already answered your questions, we omit them here. - ED].